Le Matin: Martelly "very hostile to media workers"

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - The second oldest daily in Haiti has called to question the President of the Republic's relationship with the press.
Comments from President Michel Martelly on Wednesday night, at the launch of Magic Haiti magazine, a Le Nouvelliste subsidiary, were pointed out by Le Matin as hostile to workers in the Haitian press.
He said Haitian journalists contribute to convey a negative image of the country abroad. "The tourist or investor who wants to visit Haiti, reluctant listening to the news."
The president hopes that Magic Haiti is able to present a positive image of Haiti, as no one has done so far.
Le Matin continued to report the president's demeanor:
Michel Martelly said he was not interested by what is said in the Haitian media. "I do not listen, I do not read not," he said to the cheers of the public who attended the launch ceremony.
Speaking to the press and certain other sectors, in his view, opposing the development of Haiti, the President has clearly extend an invitation to silence [the media].
Michel Martelly is not the first direct attack against freedom of expression. Since taking office, he often made very hostile to media workers.
The original article, published in Le Nouvelliste , about the inauguration of Magic Haiti did not comment on the president's remarks.