CAMBRIDGE, MA Aug. 17 - This is certainly not what a significant
number of well-dressed, properly coiffed people - more than 300
professionals and aid workers -attending a conference
would expect. Unfortunately, at the last week so-called Haitian Diaspora
Unity Congress, in
Florida, the Caribbean nation of Haiti prime minister, Michele Duvivier
Pierre-Louis, was told to "shut up," minutes after she commenced
addressing those in attendance for the circumstance.
"Shut Up"
Haiti Prime Minister, Michelle Duvivier Pierre-Louis, left,
shaking the hands of former U.S. President William "Bill"
Jefferson Clinton. (This image may be subject to copyright) |
The reason given for Ms. Pierre-Louis's forced removal from the speaker
podium was that the former United States' president, William "Bill'
Jefferson Clinton, was scheduled to speak at approximately the same
time, and apparently had far more important issues, not limited to
improving Haiti's image around the world, to discuss with the audience.
Sure Ms. Pierre-Louis was subject to the indignities of a public humiliation - the most antiquated form of punishment. |