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First published September 7, 2002
Haiti's tyrant Aristide, the great terrain
robbery for foreign aid money 

CAMBRIDGE, MA - This week, the Organization of American States (O.A.S.) once again put its prestige at stake. But it is more accurate to say that it had become the Brutus of the Haitian people by coming, rather, to the rescue of Haitian brutal dictator, Jean-Bertrand Aristde, long a pariah the world over who makes use of Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Osama bin Laden, Mao Zedong or Mao Tse Tset=ung, add Josef Stalin, for his own ideas.

The records of Aristide=s two tenures, for example, first legitimate? and then illegitimate, as president of Haiti, show how this figure governs in future tense - a revolution in the concept of government in the high- and middle-Gross Domestic (GDP) per capita income worlds. Sadly, he defines adroitly gross incompetence, government orchestration of corruption, terrorism and, why not, too, burning political opponents alive, for aspired retrograde dictators, but first all, his major achievements, long ago turned Haiti into a nonfunctioning state - and profoundly so.

The hemispheric organization (O.A.S.' photo) approved a 16-point resolution that urged the resumption of aid (about $500 million, including $150 million in low-interest loans from the Inter-American Development Bank or I.A.D.B.), blocked by the international community months after the 2000 series of largely fraudulent elections, to Haiti.

Other aspects of the resolution, or resolution number 822, as it is commonly known, passed by consensus by the oldest diplomatic regional organization, which just last week published a report largely criticizing the totalitarian government of Aristide for failing to ensure even basic human rights and end the impunity enjoyed by its armed bandits, including jail escapee and notorious murderer Amiot ACubain@ Métayer, are the de facto government of Haitian brutal dictator, Aristide, provides security, holds free and fair elections and allow political parties, or opponents, a role in governmental affairs - long viewed as private properties by radical leftist Aristide and cronies.  

Much of the immediate response to the O.A.S.'s resolution was either bewilderment or condemnation. Gérard-Pierre Charles, a Convergence Démocratique's (an alliance of democratic opposition political parties), senior leader, had more than a few unpleasant words, according to The New York Times of September 5th, 2002, for both, monstrous Aristide and the O.A.S.

"The O.A.S. has entered into a 'bilateral' agreement with Lavalas," a reference to Aristide's party. "We doubt it can succeed," he told the Times' David Gonzalez in a telephone interview. "The Lavalas government is so corrupt and it does not respect it own words. It will use this resolution like a green light to promote a personal and violent regime."  

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CRIMINAL ARISTIDE DOESN'T WANT TO SUSTAN MY DEVELOPMENT A young girl carries water in the impoverished neighborhood of Cite Soleil in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Friday, August 30th, 2002. Most Haitian children spend a majority of their time getting water for their families since the majority of Haitians do not have access to water. (Photo AP/Daniel Morel)

For a closer reading, however, of Mr. Charles' - a former economics professor emeritus guiding to economic development, in Mexico, and author of many scholarly books - disapproving position, accompanied by severe condemnations of both, Aristide and the O.A.S., is to really, really wish for more. Aid to Haiti, although crucial given the dehumanizing poverty that tyrant Aristide, long a prominent supporter of terrorism, has for more than a decade forced the majority of Haitians, especially children, to subject themselves to, will only serve to help him pay for the cost of his many caravans of deaths, responsible also for the lost of millions of dollars in property damage.  

In opposition to Aristide's dictatorship of the proletariat, affecting the majority of Haitians, I urge the international community - the United States, Canada, Japan, the European Union and many others - not to release even a dime of its taxpayers' hard earned moneys to Haiti, or the grossly incompetent Aristide (if you don't agree with me you will be out of luck), a man who certainly will continue to demonstrate that he has an unparalleled appetite for the blood of even presumed political opponents.

Yes, aid recipients, in addition to despot Aristide, will only be senior members of Haiti=s illegitimate government, or ACriminal Syndicate@, which not long ago stole the life savings (more than $U.S.$200 million) of more than 10,000 Haitian families in a cooperative pyramid scheme, so that it could, in part, continue to launder narco-money.

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U.S. Embassy officials trying to convince a group of about 50 demonstrators who are victims in Haiti's credit union pyramid scam not to block the gate of the diplomatic complex in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Friday, August 30th, 2002. The demonstrators were demanding that the U.S., which returned tyrant Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power with a military occupation called "Operation Restored Democracy" in 1994, remove him. In late July, cynist Aristide promised that all pyramid victims would be reimbursed prior to the of the schools the first week of September. So far, 22,000 people have filled complaints, (Photo AP/Daniel Morel)

The culture of, or rampant, government corruption, long established in Aristide's political party, Fanmi Lavalas (Family Lavalas, which literally means flood), or his school, the Academy of Corruption, has allowed Aristide and partners in crime to become multi-millionares, and gives a Haiti that continues to figure in many United Nations' (U.N. ) annual reports as one of the third hungriest countries in the world, after Somalia and Afghanistan, will not be lost over night. 

De facto government=s corruption is so endemic that it should, too, complicate the international community=s efforts - even among a negligible number of advocates for aid resumption, understandably difficult that may be given the extreme conditions of blanket poverty in the country - to give aid to Haiti or Aristide.

The former priest of the shantytowns orchestration of corruption continues to give Haiti the status of the Apoorest nation@ in the Western Hemisphere and one of the world=s Apoorest nations@ - a categorization that is not often welcomed by Haitians, including those who feel betrayed by Aristide, that he has pillaged the country and, he has prostituted the honor of Haitians for his own benefit and cronies alike.

Today, Haitians in increasing numbers are calling the corruption orchestrated by Aristide - a judgment that begs for his immediate departure from the office of the presidency that he has occupied and, illegally so, since February 7th, 2001, and that he subsequently be put under secured lock and key before he is tried in Haiti for his large number of crimes against humanity, genocide for example, and the little "red" man ultimately faces the bar of justice in the International Criminal Tribunal, in the Netherlands.

Aid to Haiti or Aristide, in addition to more than U.S.$800 million, according to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development or O.E.C.D. (Aristide, not an appealing dandy of a man, has so far failed to account for that large sum of money as the abject poverty the majority of Haitians continue to be subject to suggests), disbursed directly to his first government, in the 1990s, by the U.S. and other members of the international community, will certainly help the Caribbean Republic to continue to commit itself to the following very few words, unpleasant though they may be. Next year, Haiti will graduate with honors, summa cum laude, from being "one of the most corrupt nations in the world today," according to the Germany-based Transparency International (Corruption Perceptions Index 2002) Ato the most corrupt nation on this planet.@

More, giving additional aid to Aristide - Aristide has vowed to never put behind him his anti-United States= pronounced sentiments, as his grade school-like speech this week at the United Nations' (U.N.) World Summit on Sustainable Development, in Johannesburg, South Africa, suggests - and his de facto government is like equipping them further to be greater threats to the United States in particular, as its citizens and others are preparing, and sadly so, to memorialize or pay tribute to the victims and heroes of last year terrorist acts - the worse ever in modern history - privately, in non and official ceremonies.

For Aristide, the progeny of poor and illiterate voodoo practitioner peasants who at an early age fell into the cant of violence discourse about burning alive those born into the ticket of upper upper class expectations and neo-bourgeois, though not intelligent at all, compared to the late Haitian ferocious dictator of the far-right, François APapa Doc@ Duvalier, whom he has long been attempting to emulate, death for the majority of Haitians and foreign citizens, who, too, may object to his dictatorial and corrupt rule, while visiting Haiti, ADeath@ is the right thing at the end of everything, including kidnappings for ransom, imagine.

Yet, all plots to remain in office, or in charge of the ACriminal Syndicate@ that Aristide has on many occasions attempted to portray as a legitimate government and, not too adroitly so, Amove deathwards.@

Certainly, there should be so much more - astronomical multiplying problems, far exceeding the current ones and those already anticipated above, will result from giving aid to Aristide and Haiti - here to be read both and in between the lines about rapacious Aristide, but there is little analysis of the sort that yields deeper insights.

My final complaints are a broader indictment of Aristide=s inability to make a positive case for why his de facto government deserves to be further aided financially by the international community. A man guided to demagogy or risibility, though it must be said he always assumes his verbiages take the aspect of serious presidential speeches. He has consistently chastised the community of nations for its refusal to subsidize dictatorship.

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In the photograph, above, vigilante justice carried out as taught by tyrant Aristide - Residents look at a burned body of a man police knows only under his nickname, TiBlanc, in the coastal town of Archaie, 40 kilometers north of the capital, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Tuesday, August 27ty, 2002, after an angry crowd had stormed the police station and killed and ultimately burned the body of the alleged killer of Disétise Souffrant, 57. The man allegedly, also stabbed Souffrant's wife, Cécil Samedi, who was transported to hospital. (Photo AP/Daniel Morel)  

Consequently to the above, the assassination of Brignol Lindor - a young radio journalist who was hacked to death by Aristide's paid bandits, on December 3rd, 2001, in the l'Acul District, near the provincial city of Petit-Goâve and, about 35 miles west of the trash-filled capital Port-au-Prince.

Among Aristide=s other crimes is the early morning of April 3rd, 2000, murder of prominent radio journalist and commentator, Jean Léopold Dominique, after more than ten fatal bullets were pumped into his small body by paid assassins.

A Dominique that largely questioned the sudden fortune of Aristide and heaped stinging condemnation upon him for his failure to alleviate the suffering of Haitians during a radio interview years earlier, prompting the clearly embarrassing guest (Aristide) to permanently physically distance himself (a volte de face, given their close relationship before) from the renowned journalist's radio Haiti-Inter's studios. Was this a motive for his brutal end? Perhaps the rumors that circulated months before his tragic death, suggesting that he be would a presidential contender in the November 2000 vote can, too, help understand why he is no longer with us.  

What is more, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the successor to Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, tyrant Aristide had again returned to well too familiar themes, delighted Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, but did a huge disservice to the long suffering Haitian people - that the international community, the White man, is punishing Haiti, the western third of the Caribbean island of Saint-Domingue or Hispaniola (Little Spain), because a 12-year or so successful slave rebellion against French masters ultimately conferred the islanders the right to declare themselves free men and the new nation, which they simultaneously baptized Haiti, was born in 1804; that the White man, the imperialists are punishing the Haitians because the surface of their tissues (skin) is colored in black by pigment; that the United States in particular continues to unjustly condition the resumption of aid to Haiti on resolving the opposition's objections to the May legislative and November 2000 presidential elections, which, the world's sole remaining superpower, too, in addition to the European Union and many others of foreign nature as well, claims were largely fraudulent; that George W. Bush himself was not duly elected president of the United States, in November 2000.

But what the little dictator has failed to comprehend is that everything needed to help Haiti grow and reduce first absolute poverty depends chiefly on sound and real domestic political and economic policies, with targets and timetables attached. Sadly, repressive Aristide has not made an effort, perhaps, in part, because of his gross incompetence, to realize these important prerequisites. This, in addition to the issues already listed and analyzed above, is meant he will pocket aid money, that aid money will be wasted - a phrase anti-fascism should, too, use with approbation to prevent Aristide from using aid money to pay for the cost of, by way of alternative, attaining a position of Caribbean Franco dominance, that he is the ASupreme Chief Bandit,@ and the odious crimes of the late Spanish dictator also constitute his syllabus for Haitian politics, as water-borne diseases, cholera for example, in addition to AIDS, continue to strike disproportionately the Haitian populace. 

Yves A. Isidor, an economics faculty member at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, is spokesperson for "We Haitians United We Stand For Democracy," a Cambridge, MA-based nonpartisan political pressure group and, executive editor of, an online scholarly journal of democracy and human right, the scholarly journal of democracy and human rights
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