After Jean-Claude
"Baby Doc" Duvalier became of the age 60, on July 3, 2011, a
well-attended porch party
took place at an unidentified sumptuous location in Haiti
We were not present
for the very exceptional circumstance,
but our spies told us that only
well-dressed people - no Lea Kokoyé
or dirt-poor people, no "moun santi fò"
or b.o. people, as they say in the wood
or ghetto - were welcome. The same can
be said for former foot-soldier Tonton
Macoutes, preferably miliciens with
their mouchwas roujs or sweaty red
scarfs (members of Baby tyrant's
murderous militia). They were no where
to be found because they only speak the
Haitian lingo, Creole, not the language
of Voltaire or French all those in
attendance solely expressed themselves
in while the porch party was in
progress. |