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Posted January 10, 2007
A Continuing Investigation
Ti-Pouchon forced to disembark from automobile immediately after he began to permit himself to be intoxicated by marijuana


In Boston, a January 6, 2007 Haitian-American United (HAU) gala, with royalty trappings, apparently for a man, Fransky 'Ti-Pouchon' Altheon, recently taken out of the circulation while trafficking in narcotics
By Yves A. Isidor, Wehaitians.com Executive Editor


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From left to right, an unnamed son of Yvon Altheon; Fransky 'Ti-Pouchon' Altheon, Yvon Altheon's son who drives a BMW automobile and  recently was taken out of the circulation in tight handcuffs for trafficking in narcotics and, Yvon Altheon, who after receiving his award from Boston-based Haitian-American United, Inc. (HAU) said in a so-called acceptance speech "I'm proud of my son Fransky, he's a role model, and will continue to be so; he will continue all of my great work after I either become a person of pensionable age or, unfortunately, permanently depart this world, that is die, to be simplistic." (Photo/wehaitians.com) 

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Yvon Altheon, left, the father who is extremely proud of his son Fransky 'Ti-Pouchon' Altheon, who recently was arrested for trafficking in narcotics, receiving his award from Dr. Eno Mondesir (C), chairman of Haitian-American United, a Boston-based not-for-profit group that claims to be the one most capable of portraying Haitians, Haitian-Americans, overall Haiti, in the positive sense. (Photo/wehaitians.com)

Of cardinal importance: A piece of advice for HAU - "Man is born into trouble, as the sparks fly upward," conclude many philosophers. Still, a not-for-profit group, whose mission is to help promote the Haitian culture, for example, and popular among Haitians, Haitian-Americans and many others, categorically rejects the idea as the one of honoring a man (public figure), whose son was recently incarcerated for trafficking in narcotics (they sustain a self-perpetuating culture of extreme violence, according to results of research conducted by well respected social scientists), but not if he first publicly refers, with a voice of trueness, to the legal problems of his male progeny, in an attempt to discourage other young men from even expressing interest in navigating in the world of criminality, from succumbing to the temptation of journeying into the world of criminality. So, too, it is an occasion to convey the same salutary advice to many others. Otherwise, such an organization is subject itself to endure a good deal of ridicule, not committed to effectively function, ultimately permitting the ritual of organizations 'morning' to resume.

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