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Stoppable, Haiti Preval to Jam
More Radio Stations,
Also Assassinate
Surviving Earthquake Journalists |
Sanitation, one of
the major problems Earthquake survivors at a mud-covered
refugee camp in Petion-Ville, Haiti. (REUTERS
Photos/Eduardo Munoz) |
AS if the catalog of blanket eminently social
and economic problems - from dehumanizing poverty to diseases of biblical
proportions to crimes, including kidnapping for ransom and rape - that continue to unreservedly visit the vast
majority of the Haitian people are not enough, in scale, especially after a
January 12 7.3-magnitude earthquake killed more than 250,000 of them and left
approximately 1.5 million homeless, further causing citizens of the Caribbean
quasi-island of Haiti to inhabit a place that is, rather, more than the equal of
Hell, but on earth, the plutocracy of Rene Preval, a largely unarticulated man
with a nagging sense of incomprehension, who is known to consume alcoholic
beverages distilled at a high proof for breakfast, now
wants to make it official that it is, too, a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship,
as such it is inclined to
kill large numbers of its citizens, principally earthquake surviving
journalists, and this, in an effort to stay in power,
apparently for life.
As a few weeks ago, Haiti's corrupt, inept parliament hurrily granted the
perennial grossly incompetent Preval (he was forced to withdraw from college
because his grades did not surpass the U.S. equivalent of F, in higher education
terms, during his first year of college, in fact, his only one, in Belgium),
unlimited power (exceptional powers are only exercised in case of national
emergency),with fanfare, to also empty the already niggardly public purse as he wishes
during the remaining months of his tenure as president.
Yet, this, in fact, was after a bill that
ultimately became to commonly be known as the "Emergency Law" was voted into
law. A totalitarian tool that it is, he has since been placing restrictions on or forbidding the extremely suffering Haitians to publicly
their unhappiness with it largely ineffective government. For example, in the southern major city of Les Cayes, police and plainclothed goons, with the help
of teargas canisters and beatings, recently
dispersed a large protest as
participants' chants were becoming overtly political, including the cry for Preval's
resignation and subsequently, his imprisonment.
Most members of parliament or
MPs' level of education is pedestrian, meaning
that they do not possess a high school or
secondary school diploma, permitting most
constituents to be convinced that they are
far from being qualified to comprehend complex
issues, complicated matters of public concern.
Still, bloodthirsty Preval, who enjoys all the trappings of dictatorship - guaranteed
victories at election time, an absence of checks and balances, unremitting
public adulation and regular kickbacks - is determined to extend his immeasurably questionable
constitutional mandate by at least three months and 7 days, until May 14, 2010 (he
is not departing the office of the presidency into the pass on February 7, 2011, as he is
constrained to do by constitutional means), as the new, poorly written, as
usual, bill he sent to the dirt-poor nation's so-called parliament this week
It is, of course, wrong not to think that the retrograde dictatorship, the
outpost tyranny that is Preval's government is not
inclined to further attempt to deprive Haitians of their hard-earned liberty. As
life continues to also be a hard one for the estimated 3 million displaced
Haitians, with no end in sight, this month it purchased from overseas US$1
million worth of the same exact equipments used by vicious dictators of the like
Castro's Cuba and Kim Yong II's North Korea (we are the states), to interfere
with or prevent the clear reception of radio stations deemed critical of its
fast increasing, visibly gross incompetence and deep-seated grand-scale
corruption (I have prima facie evidence that between late last year and early
this year US$197 million
mysteriously disappeared from the public coffer), long practized.
No government to help
From left to right, a nurse from one of
the plethora of international charitable
organizations holding a child who suffers from
severe malnutrition in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
and, citizens, whose
homes were destroyed by the January earthquake,
have since been forced to compete with the dead
for a place to live at a graveyard. As their
homes are being rebuilt, two women are having a
sit-down discussion on tombs as they are
preparing an unidentified type of food for
cooking. (REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz) |
The popularly known Radio Vision 2000 was jammed for more than eight hours this
"Do not mess with our 'Dear
Leader' Preval" |
"So much he is also working to help his fellow citizens fully comprehend
the true meaning of the term 'contentment,' the 'meaning of life,'' especially
after January 12," a reference to the devastating earthquake, "he is
organizing block parties for them around the nearly eviscerated capital city
of Port-au-Prince; there soon will be television sets in public squares so people can proudly watch the 2010 World Cup at no course
whatsoever." These, in fact, are the verbal words of a few miscreants, all members of Preval's gang, but in government form.
What, too, explains the thuggish government's willingness to succeed in its
terror campaign, of Stalinistic nature, and in absolute terms, is that many
journalists, including Paulette Till Laforest of Radio Caraibe, have not only
been threatened with arrest but a significant number of them report to have
repeatedly received death threats.
From left to right,
No criticism
please, our quality of life has changed, too, in
the positive terms; thank you very much 'Dear
Leader' Preval Mars and Kline mental hospital (Eitan
Abramovich / AFP / Getty Images) A patient of
the Haitian government's Mars and Kline
psychiatric hospital is detained in its locked
courtyard in downtown Port-au-Prince in
February. The hospital was founded in 1958,
which might be when its wards received their
last coat of paint, and was in a desperate
situation even before the Jan. 12 earthquake.
Louis Marc Jeanny Girard, a psychiatrist who has
served as the hospital's medical director for 10
years, said Haiti has never treated mental
illness with much care. Often, he said, people
suffering psychoses were dismissed as being in
the grip of the "mystical," and,
Handcuffed, (Eitan
Abramovich / AFP / Getty Images / A
patient at the hospital who escaped during Jan.
12 earthquake remains handcuffed in a hall of
the hospital. Foreign organizations have begun
discussions with Haitian officials on the
outlines of a decentralized mental health system
that would rely on grass-roots diagnosis and
care across the countryside. |
"You continue to speak out against Preval, you continue to communicate the
contents of the so-called opposition leaders' messages to the people so they
will take to the streets in their tens of thousands, we will kidnap you, cut
your tongues, break your teeth, torture
you until you are dead and burn your bodies beyond recognition." These are some
of the more than words of fear expressed in spoken from hired career assassins, by way of
Do not choose your death, in
fact, a brutal one |
I have set before you life and death. Therefore, choose life.
As if the targeted journalists have committed serious crimes, and after they are
sentenced to a reformatory by a court of law, as they later become productive
members of society a governor or president rewards redemption with pardons, the
assassins promise not to murder them, if only they become conformists,
alternately propagandists and, of course, dutifully accepted to be monthly
remunerated by what they refer to as the office of the presidency for their
invaluable contributions to tinhorn dictator Preval's anticipated infernal machine of repression.
From left to right, residents take part in a
protest in Port-au-Prince May 10, 2010.
Protesters in Haiti demand President Preval's
resignation, accuse him of profiting from quake
and, Ready to pump fatal
shots, heavily armed police officers walk
between protesters. (REUTERS/Felix Evens)
Added May 10, 2010 |
Haiti's tragic history suggests that when an immovable
regime meets rightly unstoppable protests, much blood is spilled. That is why
the freedom fighters also need the immediate full support of the clergy,
especially that of the Roman Catholic Church, which ultimately may be forced to
excommunicate Peval, his newly wife Elizabeth Debrosse Delatour Preval, and,
yes, too, his subalterns - a serious matter in a devout nation, despite the vast
majority of
citizens practice with two hands.
"Those who are attempting to
help the totalitarian world achieve democracy or
a sense of civility cannot be wrong, but only
those who have failed to even attempt to help
the totalitarian world achieve democracy or a
sense of civility are proceeding to help retard
the course of history and certainly prolong the
extreme suffering of victims." Yves A.
Source: Amnesty
Report 2003, via
More, to fully comprehend the blending of these two religions, readers may well
conclude that citizens attend Catholic masses during the day and at night worship their
Voodoo god, and this, most of the time, is performed in the comfort of a secured room in their private residences."
The role of the international
community |
The individual legal rights, known as the rights of human, include
protections from arbitrary government oppression. The international community,
which holds the "Big, Fat Purse," as they say in the vernacular, of
reconstruction monies and its defining feature - the liberty to hire and consign
government to the archives of history - is also urged to intervene in an effort
to prevent Preval from symbolizing the intersection of crime and politics as
much as the death of untold number of Haitians.
Are there other well-founded reasons for the international community to also
intervene? Of course there are, but since I am incapable of citing them all only
because they are numerous I stop here.
The writer, Yves A. Isidor, who teaches economics at the University of
Massachusetts-Dartmouth, is executive editor of wehaitians.com, a democracy and
human rights journal.
RELATED TEXT, added June 10, 2010:
In Haiti, proprietor of radio station critical of Preval extreme violence issued
government miraculously escapes death
Wehaitians.com, the scholarly journal of
democracy and human rights |