Letters/press releases to the editor

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Letters are welcome and should be addressed to the Editor at Wehaitians.com. E-mail: letters@wehaitians.com
Posted February 9, 2008
So much corruption is in the tradition of dictatorial Haitian officials they stole my little students hard raised money

"Feasting on oil profits as Haitians eat dirt cookies" (Letters, Feb 7) was misguided. My heart ached also as I saw Haitian women making mud cookies (images), but the fault lies with the corrupt Haitian government, not oil companies or others that makes a profit in a free-market economy.

Year after year, decade after decade, the leadership in this poor country has continued to be corrupt and dictatorial. Nothing will change until true democracy can come to this nation, so that everyone is rewarded for being productive. I was involved in teaching a young Haitian man. My students raised money to send to his family in Haiti, but before it arrived the money was confiscated by the powers that be. The same thing would occur if oil companies, other organizations or nonprofits were to contribute. Sad as it is, the people suffer when the government has complete control.

Bea A. Beck,


Wehaitians.com, the scholarly journal of democracy
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