Two days after the Cap-Haitien protest and one day after the 'big' cry
for democracy in Petit-Goâve, 45 west of Port-au-Prince, democratic opposition leaders,
Evans Paul (dark jacket) and Dr. Hubert de Ronceray (bag on right shoulder), confer with
Bel Angelot, Territorial Minister, at the Port-au-Prince airport. |

Former Army Colonel Himmler Rebu, paper in hands, holding a press
conference immediately after the Cap-Haitien protest, on Nov. 17, 2002. |

A press conference, immediately after the Cap-Haitien protest, on Nov.
17, 2002. |

Memorial monument in Vertières, near Cap-Haitien - Haiti's forefathers,
in 1803. |

A commomeration of Haiti's slave army victory over France's Napoléon
superb army, in 1803, in the front courtyard of Haiti's national palace, in
Port-au-Prince, Nov. 18, 2000. |

A member of the Haitian September 30 Foundation, a pro-Aristide
organization, demonstrating against what President Jean Bertrand Aristide has called an
'aid embargo,' in front of the offices of the Bank International of Development in
Port-au-Prince on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002. The bank and foreign countries have suspended
most aid and loans to Haiti until the resolution of a political stalemate pitting
Aristide's government against opposition parties. (AP Photo/Daniel Morel) |
A member of the Haitian September 30 Foundation, a pro-Aristide
organization, putting up flyers which demand 'Let Haiti Live! Lift the embargo imposed on
the Haitian people!' in front of the offices of the Bank International of Development in
Port-au-Prince on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002. President Jean Bertrand Aristide has accused the
bank and foreign countries of imposing an 'embargo' because they are suspending most aid
and loans until the resolution of a political stalemate pitting Aristide's government
against opposition parties. (AP Photo/Daniel Morel) |

Mrs. Elena Martinez, a U.N. development official, at the Port-au-Prince
airport, Nov. 17, 2002. |