brutal dictator Jean-Betrand Aristide |

A Haitian firefighter reacts as he realizes his firetruck tank was empty
as he was trying to extinguish a house fire in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Tuesday, Dec. 19,
2002. (AP Photo/Daniel Morel) |

"Dear Lord, I lost everything that I had. Can things get any worse
in this country?" Clive Bonhomme is helped by neighbors after he fainted from the
shock of seeing his house burn to the ground while they waited for firefighters who did
not arrive in time with a truck which did not have water in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on
Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002. (AP Photo/Daniel Morel) |
Residents of a house try to save their freezer as their home burns to the
ground while they wait for firefighters who did not arrive in time with a truck which did
not have water in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002. (AP Photo/Daniel
Morel) |
Residents of a house try to save their belongings as their home burns to
the ground while they wait for firefighters who did not arrive in time with a truck which
did not have water in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002. (AP Photo/Daniel
Morel) |

She is watching her house burning to the ground, but managed to save some
of her belongings, and firefghters did not arrive in time with a truck which did not have
water in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002. (AP Photo/Daniel Morel) |

PERFECT COHABITATION ... only in Haiti's brutal dictator Jean-Betrand
Aristide. Trash and Christmas tree; no room for you Santa; sorry, you are homeless, in
Port-au-Prince, Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002. |
after the grossly incompetent Jean-Bertrand Aristide. |

HIGH HOPES: The walls are to be 15 feet tall un the planned Hilton
d'Haiti in Port-au-Prince. 196 units $52.5million complex is shooting for a 2005 opening.
(Patrick Farrell/Herald Staff) |