Posted February 16, 2011
Updated February 18, 2011

Michel "Sweet Micky" Martelly campaigns for Haiti's troubled office of the presidency

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Michel "Sweet Micky" campaigns for Haiti's troubled office of the presidency in the north of the earthquake-cholera-ravaged nation Thursday, February 17, 2011.
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Michel Martelly's wife Sophia (R). All photos/Ramon Espinoza/AP)


A Bill Clinton meeting with Haitian presidential candidates 

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Mirlande Manigat (R), a Haitian presidential contender with former United States' President William Jefferson Clinton, after their private meeting in Haiti's capital city of Port-au-Prince Tuesday, February 15, 2011 about rebuilding the Caribbean nation, which capital and other nearby cities, were destroyed by a January 12, 2010 killing earthquake. Haiti's Development Authority (HDA), the temporary agency charge with reconstruction work, its mandates ends in September.
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The other presidential candidate, Michel "Sweet Micky" Martelly (R) conversing with Bill Clinton after the meeting first mentioned above.
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The outgoing tyrant, Rene Preval's turn. A fraternal embrace from Bill Clinton.
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