function google_ad_request_done_internal(ads, borderColor, border, header, adUnitFormat, adUnitFormatOverride, backgroundColor, tracParams, titleFontColor, titleFontSize, bodyFontColor, bodyFontSize, urlFontSize, template_version, property_name ) { /* * If no ads are returned then dont build the ad block */ if (ads.length == 0) { return; } var textAlign = ""; var extraClass = ""; if (ads[0].type == "text") { extraClass = adUnitFormat + ads.length + " " + adUnitFormatOverride; } else { borderColor = "FFFFFF"; border = ""; textAlign = "center"; extraClass = adUnitFormat + "_google_img"; } if (header != "") { document.write("
Ads by Google"); document.write("
"); } var mainDiv = "
"; document.write("" + mainDiv + ""); if (tracSessParams) { tracParams += "&"+tracSessParams; } var i = 0; if (ads[0].type == "image") { var destUrl = new String(ads[i].url); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); i++; } else if (ads[0].type == "html" || (ads[0].type == "flash" && ads[0].snippet)) { document.write(""+ads[0].snippet); } else if (ads[0].type == "flash") { document.write(" " + "" + "" + ""); } else { document.write(""); } document.write("
"); // if (ads[0].bidtype == "CPC") { // adSkipCounter += i; // } } // #11827 Business Insider, ap-BI-BlendedAds function google_ad_request_done_internal_BI_blended(ads, borderColor, border, header, adUnitFormat, adUnitFormatOverride, backgroundColor, tracParams, titleFontColor, titleFontSize, bodyFontColor, bodyFontSize, urlFontSize, template_version, property_name ) { /* * If no ads are returned then dont build the ad block */ if (ads.length == 0) { return; } var textAlign = ""; var extraClass = ""; if (ads[0].type == "text") { extraClass = adUnitFormat + ads.length + " " + adUnitFormatOverride; } else { borderColor = "FFFFFF"; border = ""; textAlign = "center"; extraClass = adUnitFormat + "_google_img"; } if (header != "") { document.write("
Ads by Google"); document.write("
"); } var mainDiv = "
"; document.write("" + mainDiv + ""); if (tracSessParams) { tracParams += "&"+tracSessParams; } var i = 0; if (ads[0].type == "image") { var destUrl = new String(ads[i].url); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); i++; } else if (ads[0].type == "html" || (ads[0].type == "flash" && ads[0].snippet)) { document.write(""+ads[0].snippet); } else if (ads[0].type == "flash") { document.write(" " + "" + "" + ""); } else { document.write(""); } document.write("
"); }